#Campaign your future
Project days on democratic participation
EUROSOC#DIGITAL is conducting ten two-day project days throughout Germany on political participation using the example of climate change and the European Green Deal in Europe as part of the #Campaign your future project.
The first day aims to impart knowledge about the essence of democracy, especially about basic values of democracy beyond elections and political parties such as "freedom of speech", "freedom of organization" and "free development of personality".
On the second day, students will develop their own campaign related to the European Green Deal and how it could be implemented in their immediate environment. In doing so, the students will directly benefit from the extensive knowledge gained during the first day of the project.
Afterward, there will be a discussion round with political decision-makers, where the participants will be challenged to share and debate their acquired knowledge and visions with the political guests.
For questions, please contact:
Mareike Meyer, mmeyer@eurosoc-digital.org, 030-20239615-0
Rechtlicher Hinweis
© Copyright 2021. EUROSOC#DIGITAL gGmbH. All rights reserved. Author of the cover image: unsplash/Markus Spiske. This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |
Target group
All school types from grade 10 with 25-60 students
To sensitize young people to the long-term challenges of climate change as well as the resulting impacts, to show them ways to participate, and to discuss their ideas with a political guest.
Project duration
January 2022 until December 2022
Project days
Mareike Meyer